HOLA!!!!!!!! ¿COMO ESTAN? espero que todo esta bien con ustedes. Que esten felices y animados para la proxima semana....
okay so i just wanted to write a little bit in spanish. but
whatever is going to happen this week i hope that you make the concious
descision to be happy and excited for whatever will come. ive realized
here that that really just makes all the difference. Ive realized that
there are days and i wake up and im tired and i really just dont want to
get out of bed... and those are the days that we arent as successful or
happy and arent the best. but there are days when i wake up and im
tired and i tell myself.. no shake it off.. this is going to be a great
day. and make the concious effort to look for hte blessings and the good
things in whatever happens... i am happy and i have a good day... even
if everyone says that they arent interestedand we get dumped.. (really
we get dumped all the time... so ive just gotten used to it.. :) ). but
ive realized that our attitude is everything in this life.
if we decide that we are just going ot be grumpy about a situation
or not like somebody or that we just cant do something.. we will never
do it and we will never be happy or accept another person... we have a
person that we are teaching... his name is franco and is a teenager taht
really lost his way... and we found him thorugh a great miracle... but
he has a lot of problems that he has to get under control to be able to
move ahead and when he has the mindset that he is so terrible he just
falls down again... like for example. all week he was so sure that he
could go to church.. but so sunday mornig we went to go with him to
church he came out and said that he couldnt go... because his shoes were
wet.. and he couldnt go in his flip flops... he doesnt have nice
clothes... but we were trying to help him understand that its more
important to go than worry about that and taht the next week he can plan
and be better, but that he really needs to go to church... and he just
ahd it in his mind that it was not good. and nothing we could say could
convince him.. but htere are other days when he is positive and he feels
like he can really accomplish somthing and he does!!!!! and he does a
lot... its amazing what attitude can do.
I was thinking this week... especially today about alma the
younger... and how amazing is his story. i mean really!!!!!! When he
knew that somehting was wrong he could change in 3 days!!!! and he left
completely clean.. TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY CLEAN from his errors. he
tells us that he was one of the vilest sinners... did some of the most
terrible things that he could do. but once he realized that he had a
problem, he started to use the atonement. OH MAN i am so grateful for
the atonement. it is one of hte most amazing gifts the lord has given
us. I love alma 36 because there he really describes how he felt. he
felt terrible!!!! so much guilt. so much.
15 Oh, thought I, that I acould
be banished and become extinct both soul and body, that I might not be
brought to stand in the presence of my God, to be judged of my bdeeds.16 And now, for three days and for three nights was I racked, even with the apains of a bdamned soul.
how terrible to feel that way right???? ugh i wish no one had to feel that.
but he repented!!!!!! we was able to be clean completely from his sins. he tells us later
19 And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my apains bno more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more.
20 And oh, what ajoy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
21 Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.
I just love that... i love to tell people that... that they really can be clean from their sins. all of the bad things that theyve done. they can be clean. and everyone of you can be too... everyone has mistakes and we all can... even the people who hurt us can be clean.. :) and that makes me so happy. everyone can change and we have to really help ALL people be clean from thier mistakes. thats why we are here. is to be clean and help everyone else do the same thing.
thats why the gospel is so stinkin important!!!! becasue this church is the only church who has the authority to help everyone be clean from thier sins. we should use it. and help other people use it nad not think so much about what they have done to us... becasue that just makes US unhappy... it doesnt take away the opportunity for the other person to be clean (taht means we have to forgive.. ourselves and everyone else...)
Ive really realized this a lot lately. we have a little old lady in our ward who really is sweet and loving... at least to the missionaries. she really takes good care of us.... but when it comes to everyone else. the ward, her family she is so bitter... so unhappy... becasue really terrible things have happened to her in the church... but she is just so unhappy and all she talks about is the terrible things that everyone has done to her... and its so sad.. nothing that we say helps her come out of htat...and it makes me sad... she doesnt find joy in anything... and ive really realized how bad taht is....
I am so happy here in the mission... so so HAPPY. and because of that i just want everyone else to be happy... when people do things they shouldnt it makes me sooooo sad, but then it makes me love them even more so that they can get out of it and be happy...
i learned that this week.. i know that Christs atonement is real. and i know he loves each and everyone of us..
i love youall and i hope you have a great week.. i hope you make it a wonderful week!!!!
and i just want to share one of my favorite quotes with you.. and least what i can remember from it:
"our deepest fear is not taht we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light not our darkness that most defies(?im not sure if thats right) us. we ask ourselves. who am i to be lovely, talented, smart beautiful? but really who are you not to be? you are a child of god. we are all meant to shine as children do. we were born to make manifest the light of god that shines in each of us. your playing small does not serve the world. there is nothing enlightened aobut shrinking so that other people dont feel insecure around you. by letting your light shine we unconciously give other people permission to do the same. as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence, automatically liberates others...
okay its something like that... i dont remember exactly its beena long time since ive read it.
les quiero!!!
hermana applegate
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